Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

This Christmas was absolutely amazing and it was my baby girls first Christmas! Santa was very kind to us all! Peyton made out with toys! 

We created so many memories in just a few short hours. We did Christmas at my inlaws, we did a breakfast with all the kiddos and then we opened presents. 

Peyton loooved her stroller, just like I knew she would! She kept taking Mickey and Princess Sofia for a stroll! 

Santa brought me a pair of Hunter rainboots that I've been wanting 🙌

My favorite part of the morning was watching the kiddos reactions when they opened their presents. Even though they are too young to understand the concept of Christmas, it was truely one for the books! 

We even got to bake cookies the night before with my sis! We got Peyton to help out but she ended up with green frostinf on her face 😂

And even played music on Christmas Eve!! 

Unfortunately after all of these festivities went down, my poor baby girl started running a high fever of 102 and come to find out the following day when we saw the pediatrician, she had an ear infection.😞 
Thankfully its her first one, and hopefully last one 😉

Merry Christmas 2015!
Peyton Scott | 11 months old

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ho Ho Holidays

I cannot believe that the holidays are nearing up on us this fast! Christmas is already next week and I haven't even finished buying all of my Christmas gifts. To make things worse, this will be my baby's first Christmas and since she's only going to be 11 months old, I have NO idea what to get her besides toys! but she already has a ton of toys, so I wanted to get her something a little bit different. Well that didn't happen! I ended up getting her a toy! haha (click image for link)

Even though this time of year can be stressful trying to get everyone's presents and decorating the house, it's also the most magical and best time of year! I love it so much because I get to make a lot of memories and new firsts with my little family. Like decorating the Christmas tree, and going shopping for everyone's gifts, it's the little things in life.

I can always count on my little helper to help me out, or in this case, eat the decorations! :)
LOOVE this stage she's in, she wants to explore everything and do and try everything mommy and daddy are doing. ( Peyton Scott | 10 months old )

We even got a chance to take a few pics to use for our Christmas card this year! It was not the easiest thing to do because we had two babies, Peyton Scott and her BFF Kenzie and they had their own agenda. But overall, soooo worth it!

The girls even got to meet Santa (that didn't go too well as you can see) and help bake cookies! They did such a good job, those cookies did not last very long! Here's the recipe, they are like a sugar cookie. The recipe is from a Puerto Rican recipe book.

So much fun things to do during the holidays, what are some of your favorite memories and things to do with your little family?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Prosisely Me!

Prosisely Me!

Hi! I started my own blog to tie in all of the fun things I do in my day to day. I am currently a mom of 1. Of a little baby girl who is very spunky, sassy, exploring, loud and loving! Being her mom is my number one job, but unfortunately that doesn't pay the bills, so I had to get creative!!


A month before I gave birth to Peyton Scott (my baby girl), my best friend Diane Hart (who had just had her baby girl) and I started our own Etsy shop called Prosisely from the HartOur inspiration were our baby girls of course! There's so many cute headbands, head wraps, bows, onesies, you name it! for baby girls so we decided to work together to make a baby accessory boutique. and that's how our little shop was started :)

 Month's later my friend Diane approached me with the idea of joining her in selling this awesome makeup she had started selling on the side to make more money. Well at first i wasn't convinced but then i tried the mascara and fell in LOVE! Not only did this mascara make my lashes super full and long, check this out, it didn't leave my eyes looking like i was a raccoon after i got out of the shower. (you know its happened to you too :p ) so then that was the beginning of Prosisely Beautiful!

Through all of that I have always been a designer at heart <3 This is where Prosisely Designs was born from! So I have always been doing graphic design work on the side. It feeds my designer soul and is extra cash on the side, so its a win-win, plus that's what i went to school for so I have to continue with it. I used to work in a marketing dept before I had my baby girl but that all ended once I became a mom. That's when I decided to stay at home with my baby girl to raise her like my mom did with me.


Most people can't say our last name "Prosise" let alone spell it. Its pronounced like if you were going to say but add an "o" instead of the "e". Despite all of the name issues, I needed something that represented me and since my last name now is Prosise, I decide to integrate it into my work!

Hope all of this makes sense so that you can bare with me when it comes to my blog and crazy life! :D