Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ho Ho Holidays

I cannot believe that the holidays are nearing up on us this fast! Christmas is already next week and I haven't even finished buying all of my Christmas gifts. To make things worse, this will be my baby's first Christmas and since she's only going to be 11 months old, I have NO idea what to get her besides toys! but she already has a ton of toys, so I wanted to get her something a little bit different. Well that didn't happen! I ended up getting her a toy! haha (click image for link)

Even though this time of year can be stressful trying to get everyone's presents and decorating the house, it's also the most magical and best time of year! I love it so much because I get to make a lot of memories and new firsts with my little family. Like decorating the Christmas tree, and going shopping for everyone's gifts, it's the little things in life.

I can always count on my little helper to help me out, or in this case, eat the decorations! :)
LOOVE this stage she's in, she wants to explore everything and do and try everything mommy and daddy are doing. ( Peyton Scott | 10 months old )

We even got a chance to take a few pics to use for our Christmas card this year! It was not the easiest thing to do because we had two babies, Peyton Scott and her BFF Kenzie and they had their own agenda. But overall, soooo worth it!

The girls even got to meet Santa (that didn't go too well as you can see) and help bake cookies! They did such a good job, those cookies did not last very long! Here's the recipe, they are like a sugar cookie. The recipe is from a Puerto Rican recipe book.

So much fun things to do during the holidays, what are some of your favorite memories and things to do with your little family?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness your Christmas cards turned out SO freaking adorable!! I love Peyton's outfit and I love your shoes!!
