Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Sweet P turns 18 months

Peyton turned 18 months yesterday πŸ™€
I can hardly believe it but its ok because it's a fun stage ( i say that about every stageπŸ˜‚) 

So we celebrated with our besties and went for ice cream in the evening in an old fashioned ice cream parlor in Denton. 

Look at the difference 1 yr makes! She was 6 months on the left and 18 months on right. 

It was fun because the girls got to walk around and burn off some energy before bedtime and us mamarazzis got to snap about 200 (no joke) pictures of them. 
No i dont keep all 200, but when you're dealing with busy bee toddlers you have to snap a bunch to get 1 or 2 good ones. 

The lighting was perfect to snap some pics of our beautiful little babes. We even got the see a famous squirrel! Her name is Cedar. 

She walked around without a leash but she did have a little harness on and she didn't run away. So crazy! Everyone kept snapping pics πŸ˜‚ yes! Including myself. πŸ™ˆ

Overall it was a wonderful night! I mean you can't go wrong when it comes to ice cream and time spent with your best friends ☺️



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