Saturday, August 27, 2016

Moving Shenanigans

We are in the middle of packing all our stuff and finally moving to our own little apt! While that may not seem like much to most people, to us, its a HUGE step in the right direction! I haven't really talked much about it because Ive been focusing on staying positive and staying busy with my many different businesses.

Soo here it goes! For the past year and half we have been staying with my inlaws (who have graciously put up with a family of 3 and one LARGE dog who likes to shed a TON!!! I mean a TON!
No matter how many time you vacuum Cooper (my golden retriever) will shed the amount equivalent to another dog!

You ask why have you not tried to get your own place?? well the simple fact is that because we were down to only my husbands income after me having Peyton, we decided for me to stay at home with her to raise her while he went to work. I could of easily have put her in a day care and gone off to work full time as a graphic designer making pretty good money, but that's not what we wanted for our family. And with that comes major sacrifices such as not having our own place. So after a long time overdue, Im looking for a full time job now that the little one is older (19 months old) and we are finally moving to an affordable apt until we save up for a house!! YEAYY!

So now that is all out there! We can move forward to our packing shenanigans with a toddler!

I decided to take a break from all the packing of boxes and throwing crap away and have a little fun with her! and this is what came of it <3

I had to bribe her with her fave (peppermint york patties) to get her to stay still and keep the Minnie ears on her head!

these last two are my FAVORITE of her!! her expressions are priceless! I CANNOT wait to take her to Disney World! hoping to take her to atleast one of the parks soon since my dad is moving to Tampa here next month, it should be easier to drive up to Orlando for the day or something.

Any who! until next time!! 


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