Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Rainy Day in Red

Today is a rainy day here in Dallas, so that means it's the perfect excuse to wear my rainboots πŸ’™

It's my sister's bday today so Peyton and I met her up for brunch πŸ‘­

Since its a rainy day, and my hair is curly instead of wasting my time fixing it, i just threw it up in this fun hairdo. 

Of course I had to have my mini me match me! Plus we got this cute leotard last winter and luckily she still fits in it. But I don't think for much longer lol its pretty tight on her. 

Here are more cute pics from our brunch today with aunt titi Adie. 

Titi Adie and Peyton playing with the rain😍

Happy Birthday sweet sister! 28 is a good yr! 



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